Tuesday, May 5, 2009

I love my life!

Last night we celebrated Thomas' birthday here at camp. To close out the night, Thomas requested adoration with praise and worship. As we all knelt around the Blessed Sacrament singing praised to the Lord, I looked around at my brothers and sisters and realized how amazingly blessed I am. How many people in this world can take out Jesus whenever they need to see him? I take it for granted sometimes that I can go into the chapel and expose the Blessed Sacrament whenever I like.

Yesterday evening after evening prayer, I stayed behind in the chapel to have some quiet prayer time. Because I've been sick, its been awhile since I've done a Holy Hour in the chapel, and I had so missed seeing the face of my Lord. So after a few minutes of praying before the tabernacle, I went and got the key so I could see Him face to face.

The blessing of adoration is one that I hope I never take for granted again. It makes me so sad when I think of all of the people in this world who don't have the opportunity to adore Christ, even though they may desire it. There are so few perpetual adoration chapels around, and many parishes only offer adoration monthly, or weekly if you're lucky. Eucharistic adoration has been a part of the Catholic Church's tradition for centuries, and is a practice that all Catholics should be exposed to. The Eucharist is one the greatest blessings God has given us, and adoration is one of my favorite things about being Catholic because during it, I get to gaze on my Beloved and my Beloved gets to gaze on me.

I'm really going to miss the blessing of adoration anytime when I leave here. I only hope that there's always a parish nearby me where I can spend time face-to-face with Christ.

Here's a website that has a history of Eucharistic Adoration


Petit L'oiseau said...

I completely agree with you Colleen, adoration is amazing!

You are fabulous


mamacita said...

Indeed, you are fortunate.

I think along these same lines when I'm at daily Mass and how in many parts of the world Mass is seldom offered, the political and legal ramifications if practicing openly, and how that inhibits or prevents that freedom as I know it.

We are blessed!