Friday, April 24, 2009

In the World Not of the World

This past weekend I traveled to West Palm Beach, Florida for the wedding of my dear friend, Elaine. While I was more than excited to see her- it had been months and months-, I was also a little nervous, because it had also been months and months since I had been in the world by myself. It was a little bit of a rocky start; I realized when it was time to go out with the girls, that I hadn't brought "going out clothes". It had been a long time since I'd "gone out"and I wasn't used to it.

Thankfully, going back into the world is a bit like riding a bike. Once I was in it, I remembered how to be. And boy, was it nice to get my nails done (all in the duty of being a bridesmaid of course) and dress in grown-up clothes all weekend- I felt like a lady. But, I also remembered how to be me, and I didn't let the world take over my identity. Over the course of the weekend, I had so much fun. I spent time with old and new friends, remembered how much I love dancing, and so much else. Of course I missed Covecrest, how could I not? But I realized that I am not dependent on this community or being up in the mountains to maintain my identity in Christ. I still prayed, and it was because my heart wanted to, cried out for it, not simply because of the routine. In fact, in some ways, I prayed more when I was gone than when I'm here (I know, I know, it sounds impossible).

This life, this year, has prepared me to go back into the world and be in it, not of it. I'm not done learning yet, and I'm sure there will always be struggles, but I'm on the right track, and I'm grateful for what I've been given.

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